The 2nd ITS World Congress Webinar will take place on Wednesday 26 May. It will focus on Next-Gen Connectivity for Next-Gen Mobility within the Congress topic of New Services from New Technologies.
The ever-increasing pace of technological innovation has been pushing transport and mobility towards new horizons. Breakthroughs in diverse areas such as quantum computing, distributed ledger technology, energy management, etc. are all advancing private and public mobility across all modes: road, air and waterways. Many of the new services offered, whether related to Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) or Mobility as a Service (MaaS), rely on robust and widely available communication networks that are being seen as a necessary component of both the digital as well as physical infrastructure.
The range of benefits that ubiquitous and low latency communication could bring to the transport and mobility sector has led to large-scale testing of 5G mobile technology and as deployment speeds up, interest and research is shifting beyond 5G (B5G) to next generation communication technologies: 6G and beyond. This webinar will focus on what Next Gen communication technologies offer for the range, quality and accessibility of new mobility services. After two short keynote addresses from our Congress partners, a panel of four speakers will give their views on different aspects of Next Gen communication technology for transport and mobility. The panellists, from leading organisations in Asia, America and Europe will talk about applications, infrastructure, enabling technologies and security issues related to the topic.
Wednesday 26 May, 2.00pm – 3.15pm. Please do join us! Register here.